Floor Heating

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floor  heating

The thermal system of floor heating, which transfers heat and heat in the form of radiation, which has a large contribution to its heating, compared to other heating systems, not only saves energy, but also makes your home more comfortable.

This floor heating system has been very common in foreign countries in the past years due to the expansion of energy saving and uniformity in the entire surface and space of the house and preventing blackening of the wall and rotting of pipes, etc. will be

Why floor heating system?

A room with a floor heating system has more space for decoration design and interior architecture than the same room with a radiator. In addition, the use of this system causes the particles in the air to circulate much less, which prevents the walls from getting moldy and soot over time.

The movement of particles in the air cannot be seen, but it causes harm to the human respiratory system, which is less likely to occur in the floor heating system compared to the radiator, and in the floor heating system, there is no moisture in your home that can cause bacteria. And fungi grow in it.

Types of floor heating system methods

Using the floor heating system for heating in the residence is done in different ways. In general, there are 3 types of floor heating methods:

Heating with hot air, heating with electric current, heating with hot water because the air cannot hold air and hot air is not very economical in a residential place and the electric method is economical.

Electric energy and heating system with hot water. Comparing these two methods, it can be said that heating with hot water is more economical because it has been used all over the world for many years.

Why is it better to use the floor heating system in the building?

The floor heating system is one of the most convenient and healthy methods for heating. Just as people feel warm from the sun on a cold winter day.

But in this method, they receive heat from the floor and feel comfortable. In this heating system, the temperature of the hot water in the pipes should be between 30 and 60 degrees Celsius. Compared to other methods, the water temperature is between 54 and 71 degrees Celsius.

How does a floor heating system save energy?

With the help of floor heating system, 20 to 40% energy consumption can be saved. In buildings with high ceilings, using this system reduces energy consumption and saves fuel. For this reason, in other methods such as radiators and heaters, it causes the heat to go up and the cold to go down, and the heat in the ceiling is more than anywhere else, which causes high energy consumption.

A special advantage of the floor heating system

In the floor heating method, the lower part where the residents are located is heated first, and the air reaches the ceiling at a lower temperature, which is one of the advantages of this system.

floor heating is widely used today. This method is one of the best ways to heat your home. All parts of your body, especially the foot, which is the most distant from your heart, will always stay warm, and this is very useful for humans.

Use of floor heating system for children

Using a radiator or heater that heats the upper part of the house and cools the lower part is not pleasant for children who have small bodies. Because putting more clothes on them prevents their childish freedom.

But the use of floor heating system made it possible for children to play more comfortably at home and they don't need to wear a lot of clothes.

How does the radiator work?

The radiator will dry your residential air after some time and keep the humidity. As you know, everyone is unhappy with the mold on the wall, which is not good at all.

But in the floor heating system, the air flows slowly from the bottom to the top. This keeps the walls clean, which is very important for people with allergies.

Can this system be used in kitchens?

It is suitable to use this system in places such as the kitchen, bathroom, where the floor is always wet, and it dries the floor. In this way, the soil moisture that causes muscle disease is eliminated and it reduces the pain of the patients.

It also prevents mold on the walls and there is no place for insects to grow.

The space in your home is not covered by the floor heating system

Another advantage of the floor heating system is that it does not take up space in your home. Like heaters and radiators that take up space in the house, and using this system, you can easily arrange your decoration.

This system can be used to melt ice and snow. For example: sidewalks, building entrances, hospitals, sports fields can be used floor heating and this method can be less expensive.

They still use salt or snow blowers to melt ice and snow on the street, which costs more, and it is easier and more economical to use this system.

Energy saving

Floor  heating  system can save 25-30% energy consumption compared to heating system (radiator). The reasons for this saving are:

• Low temperature between the floor and cold walls

• Very large radiation surface (the same as the heating area)

Low temperature of circulating water in the floor heating system (between 35 and 50 degrees Celsius(

The cost of setting up an floor heating system

The cost and implementation of the floor heating system is much more economical than the existing heating systems and there are many other reasons to use this heating method. These reasons are:

• Great comfort and convenience

• Not feeling hot air

• No movement and movement of dust

• Constant temperature up to a height of 2 meters from the ground

• The spread of a warm sound throughout the house

25 to 30 percent savings in energy consumption

And finally, today the floor heating system is the best and most complete heating system in the world.

Ideal heating:

The ideal heating is at the hottest point on the earth's surface and the ideal temperature is in the middle of space and low temperature and cool air at high altitude and near the height of the human face.

The reason for needing heat from the floor is because the most contact of the human body is from the soles of the feet to the ground. The presence of air with a low and cool temperature occurs at the height of the face, which is very easy for humans to breathe.

Important point when using floor heating system at home!! The most correct heating position is warm soles and cool face.

Maximum comfort and convenience with the floor heating system:

The human body converts temperature with its surroundings in 4 different ways:

• Guidance: through direct contact

• Evaporation: through sweating of the human body

• Convection: heat transfer through air exchange

Radiation: transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves (from hot spots to cold spots of the body)

Disadvantages of floor heating systems:

1- Disadvantages of the floor heating system are 36 hours of heat and heat at the beginning, in this way, the system starts at the beginning of the cold season (beginning of winter) with a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, and every 12 hours it can be increased by 5 degrees. He said that it reaches the ideal temperature of 35 degrees in 36 hours.

This action is so that the sudden heat does not shock the floor. This radiator system takes 1 hour and hot air systems take less than 1 hour.

2- Lack of changes in the floor of the building due to the floor of the floor heating system and not using connections in the pipes of the floor after the floor construction is finished, it is not possible to make changes to the floor of the building, but small changes can be made.

3- Flooring before the implementation of the floor heating system: before the implementation of the heating, it is necessary to put on the water, electricity, gas, etc. pipes with mortar and cement in order to install the floor heating system properly.

This problem can be solved by correct piping and the use of foam concrete or pumice.

The importance of accurate plumbing

The floor heating system is one of the main plumbing materials for the building floor. It must be done correctly and carefully. For this implementation, the help of an expert and proficient in this work must be sought to optimize this work and prevent damage.

The floor heating system is implemented before the ceramic or carpeting of the house floor and the reason is to prevent damage to the pipes, which must be ensured immediately after the floor heating is installed.

Floor heating implementation steps:

Find the right place to place the collector box (it is a box in which all the pipes of the floor heating system are placed).

This place should be accessible to the heating system (package or engine room) and the heating executive space. Two reciprocating collectors with the right size are packed in the collector box. The installation of the collector box is implemented at the beginning of the work.

They are responsible for insulating and laying the floor with insulating foams, whose task is to prevent heat transfer and energy waste in the downward direction and the implementation of pipes.

Important note!! At the bottom of the unit, cover the walls up to a height of 10 cm, and all seams must be covered. The implementation of plumbing is the main part of the work.

First, to start, five-layer pipes that are suitable for floor heating, which are connected to the collector and spread separately on the floor of each space. There are two ways to expand pipes: spiral (circular) and spiral (row) and it is a combination of these two methods:

Circular method: These pipes run from the sides to the middle and then return to the sides from the middle and are directed to the output collector.

Row method: these pipes are run in a row with a specified distance from one side to the other and are directed to the collector at the end.

The distance of the pipes in both cases is different according to the weather, for a more accurate calculation, you can get the help of the relevant engineering software, which is used to calculate the load of floor heating and others.

Concreting and implementation of floor coverings after  the completion of piping and health test of the heating system of the floor, the work is finished and the floor is covered with cement.

The thickness of the concrete is only 2 to 4 cm, and after that, you can use floor coverings such as ceramic, parquet, and mosaic.

How to ventilate the floor heating system:

Venting the floor heating system is not something that should be done every day. floor heating, like any other system, uses the circulation of liquid or water inside the pipe to generate heat.

It is possible that the system has a problem and must be vented. If you do not know about the subtle and important points of ventilation, please contact us before starting work so that they will tell you the important points.

It should be said that the common problems with overheating of floor heating are due to the heating circuit getting air. If people know how to ventilate the floor, they can easily ventilate the circuit by themselves without the presence of experts.

Note that every year after you turn on the floor heating in the cold season of the year, first do the ventilation to ensure that there is no air in the floor heating circuit.

Basic measures for floor heating ventilation:

Before ventilating the floor heating system, it is absolutely necessary to observe the following two points:

Check the system pressure first.

Regularly checking the system pressure can give you enough information about the problem. If you think that the system needs to be vented, check the system pressure first. If the system pressure is low, add some water and check the pressure again.

Check the air valves.

Checking these valves will tell you if there is air in the system or not. If there is air in the system, it will reduce the temperature in the system and prevent this problem by adjusting the air valves.

Step-by-step method of airing:

1- Make sure that the system does not lack water and is completely full.

2- All floor pipes must be filled with water, wait at least 10 minutes for this.

3- Start by venting the pipes that are in the lower part until the venting work is done and all the air is in the upper part.

4- After that, the multiple pipes of the floor of the room were ventilated, close the valve.