Power Supply

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Power supply: It is a device that provides the required electric power for the electric consumer or electric load.

The power supply may be a separate device or part of another device. All electronic devices that we deal with on a daily basis use some kind of power source. TV, computer, laptop, etc. are devices that we constantly deal with, they use a power source inside. The reason for using a power supply for each device is to provide the appropriate voltage and current for the same device.

More precisely, the task of the power supply is to receive electrical energy from an energy source (electrical, mechanical, chemical, solar) and convert it into the appropriate voltage, current and frequency to feed the load. A stabilized power supply can keep its output voltage or current almost constant up to a certain level.

The main features of the power supply are:

The type and range of voltage and current that supplies the load.

Stability of output voltage or current for different electrical loads.

How long it can provide energy without refueling or charging (in power supplies that have portable energy sources)

Types of food sources

Food sources can be classified in different ways.

The type of output voltage, mode of operation, constant or variable output are among the features that can be used to classify power supplies. Meanwhile, the classification is more technical in terms of operation and at the same time more common.